Consultants Need Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance is a shortened term for Commercial General Liability Insurance (CGL Insurance). The policy protects your business from claims of bodily injury, property damage and advertising injury to third-parties. Note that the coverage is for third-parties, damage to your own property is not covered under this policy. Here are some common scenarios where Liability Insurance may protect you:

Bodily injury

While visiting your office for a meeting, a client slips on the stairs, injures his hips, and files a personal injury claim against your business.

Property damage

While serving your client a cup of coffee, your assistant spills the hot coffee on your client’s lap, damaging the cell phone in his pocket.

Advertising injury

Your online advertising material makes negative references towards your competitors, and after consulting with their lawyers, they decide to sue you for libel and slander.

liability insurance quote

What’s The Fastest Way To Get Liability Insurance?

To get your liability insurance quote in the fastest and cheapest way possible, file an online quote today. The traditional way of calling a brokerage and filing your application over the phone is time-consuming and inefficient.

Filing for an online quote with Xpert Consultant Insurance is the fastest way to get a liability insurance quote for consultants because it eliminates slow (and expensive) administrative tasks. Start filing an online quote now:

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Best Liability Insurance
For Consultants

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It's Cheaper

Buy online, save money

Liability Insurance is essential because it protects you from the most common risks.

Save up to 30% over policies from traditional brokerages.

Protect your business and sleep carefree.

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It's (A Lot) Faster

Get it done ASAP

Online platform means less bureaucracy and faster work.

Get your insurance policy 3x faster compared to traditional brokerages.

Less time with the boring stuff so you have more time for the fun stuff.

24/7 online insurance

It Works 24/7

Anytime, Anywhere

Traditional insurance brokers work on-the-clock.

That’s usually when you are busy serving your own clients…

With a 24/7 online insurance platform, you can get liability insurance when you want, wherever you want.

Launch Your Consulting Career To Success

Now that you have figured out how to get your liability insurance out of the way, you can focus all your attention on growing your business and winning more clients.

The video on your right contains some very useful tips that will help you find more leads for your consulting business. Launch your career to a successful start, and protect it with insurance.

Your Move

Is Your Consulting Practice Worth Protecting? You Decide