Consultants Need Professional Liability Insurance

As a consultant, you help your clients by providing a service or giving advice. Professional Liability Insurance may protect you if a client sues you for financial harm they suffered due to any mistakes on your part or failures to perform your services as promised (commonly referred to as errors & omissions). Here are some examples of when professional liability insurance coverage comes in handy:

Poor recommendation

You provide operational advice to your client to speed up their factory workflow, but after implementing your advice, the workflow becomes slower.


You are required to complete project documentation for your client but you end up missing the deadline. The client believes you were negligent and decides to sue.


You advise your client to launch a new line of products to target a growing consumer segment. They build a production line accordingly, but there is no demand for the product.

professional liability insurance quote

What’s The Fastest Way To Get Professional Liability Insurance?

To get your liability insurance quote, you have to answer a few questions for insurance companies. Usually, this is done through a broker over the phone, and as you have already guessed, that takes a long time.

Filing for an online quote with Xpert Consultant Insurance is the fastest way to get a professional liability insurance quote for consultants because it eliminates slow (and expensive) administrative tasks. Start filing an online quote now:

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Best Professional Liability Insurance
For Consultants

save money on insurance

It's Cheaper

Buy online, save money

Professional Liability Insurance is essential and should be affordable.

Save up to 30% over policies from traditional brokerages.

Invest more in your consulting business instead.

save time on insurance

It's (A Lot) Faster

Get it done ASAP

Who wants to spend 2 weeks over finalizing consultant insurance paperwork?

Get your insurance policy 3x faster compared to traditional brokerages.

Finish up with the boring stuff fast so that you can return to the fun stuff.

24/7 online insurance

It Works 24/7

Anytime, Anywhere

Traditional insurance brokers are only available to help you out from 9 to 5, on weekdays.

But that’s when you are busy serving your own clients…

With a 24/7 online insurance platform, you can get professional liability insurance when you want, wherever you want.

Launch Your Consulting Career To Success

Starting your own consulting business takes a lot of courage. Congratulations on being proactive and getting your insurance early on. You are definitely heading the right way.

On your right is a complementary video full of nuggets of wisdom about getting more leads for your consulting practice. Launch your career to a successful start, and protect it with insurance.

Your Move

Is Your Consulting Practice Worth Protecting? You Decide